'Historic' Arizona Eatery Named 'Oldest Restaurant' In The State

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America is full of beloved restaurants that have been serving their communities for decades, and in some cases nearly as long as America has been a country. To take it even further, Arizona has a rich history, both culturally and in terms of its culinary scene, so it's no surprise that there are plenty of historic establishments that have stood the test of time.

According to a list of the "oldest" restaurants around the country compiled by LoveFood, the "most historic restaurant" in all of Arizona is El Charro Café, which has been around for more than a century. El Charro Café has several locations around Tucson. Find your nearest one by visiting the restaurant's website.

Here's what LoveFood had to say about this iconic Arizona institution:

"El Charro isn't the oldest restaurant in Arizona, but it earns a special distinction by being the oldest Mexican restaurant in the US to be continuously run by the same family. Monica Flin opened this place in 1922, and legend has it that she also invented the chimichanga after accidentally dropping a burrito in the deep fryer. The restaurant now has several outposts, but the original downtown Tucson location is the place to visit for all the truly nostalgic feels."

See the full list at lovefood.com to read up on more historic restaurants around the country.

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